Saturday, February 24, 2007

Vancouver Giants

The homebase is ready. Well as ready as it can be so to speak. We have managed to make it pretty nice! We have painted, done a lot of carpentry and begging for furniture’s.

I am settling in, I like the city. It feels like a big city, even tough it is pretty small. I love all the second hand shops, the little bars and those American diners, especially Slickity Jim’s. I do miss cafés a la Swedish style (die Starbucks!) and European old houses. Everything is so new here, Vancouver is a fairly young city, just a hundred years. I don’t have to miss my beloved Swedish clothing lines, they have Acne, Whyred and Filippa K here. So I can breath out.

A couple of days ago we had a real life experience. In the middle of a lecture, a crack head came running in to our homebase, he was just on his way of colliding with a few of us poor students, when two cops jump on him and said nothing else then, you are arrested, and carried him away. So I am vary proud to present my first viewing of a person getting arrest. A charming and sketchy neighbourhood we hang out in, isn’t it?

Sue Ellen is also very proud to present her first hockey game ever. You probably know that in Canada you play hockey, a lot of hockey and it is a lot of Swedes playing in Canadian teams. Vancouver’s pride and joy is The Chanucks, which in fact have a Swedish captain. However, me not being in to hockey went to see the underdogs Giants game yesterday, I felt very American doing so, and I was very careful with buying both popcorn and hot dogs. If you are doing it you might as well do it properly, right? So how was sit? It was cold, a lot of fighting, pucks flying everywhere and it said welcome Kaospilots on the score board. So you can imagine that everything was perfect…

We have had a lot of interesting people coming in to our homebase, teaching and inspiring us. If you look at the links you can see what organizations and people we meet. If you want to see more pictures, go to the links under Some More Pictures.

1 comment:

Dilja said...

Ellen we are so alike, look at the picture that comes with my comment baby!
But si hi to everybody, it all looks amazing over there!
kiss and hug from reykjavik